September 6, 2018 Committee meeting. L-R Nicholas Snyder (AIA) - Senior Associate, Bohlin Cywinski Jackson, Lindsay Bezick - Vice President, Greater Wilkes-Barre Chamber of Commerce, Jennifer Lema -  Bohlin Cywinski Jackson, Jamie Smith, Executive D…

September 6, 2018 Committee meeting.

L-R Nicholas Snyder (AIA) - Senior Associate, Bohlin Cywinski Jackson, Lindsay Bezick - Vice President, Greater Wilkes-Barre Chamber of Commerce, Jennifer Lema - Bohlin Cywinski Jackson, Jamie Smith, Executive Director Social Fabric Collective, Gina Malsky - Owner - Dance Theater of Wilkes-Barre, Corinne Chace - Steadfast Design Studio, Leigh Pawling - Artist, Sara Hoegen Latcham, Wyoming Seminary College Prep, Nikki Lewis - Assistant Director, Sordoni Art Gallery at Wilkes University. Not pictured/photo provided by Rob Lettieri

Jennifer Lema

SFC Outreach AdvisorPhoto: Jamie Smith

SFC Outreach Advisor

Photo: Jamie Smith

Jennifer moved to Wilkes-Barre to join the talented group of architects and designers at Bohlin Cywinski Jackson after graduating from the school of architecture at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI). She grew up in New York City, where she explored art and design through creative youth development programs and taught summer design studios to high school students. Jennifer’s passion and background in architecture has been the scaffold for continuing her work on creative projects and her years as a student, volunteer and teacher have deepened her belief in the positive impacts of a design education.

Sara Hoegen Latcham

SFC Curriculum AdvisorPhoto: Megan Lee/SFC Alumni

SFC Curriculum Advisor

Photo: Megan Lee/SFC Alumni

Sara was born and raised in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania attended Fairfield University and graduated in 2012 with majors in art history and French and minors in women, gender, and sexuality studies and religious studies. During her years at Fairfield, Sara worked in the University's Mutrux Visual Resource Center and Bellarmine Museum of Art. In the greater Fairfield County community, Sara was also employed by Southport's Pequot Library, and Adrianne Ruger Conzelman's ARC Fine Art, LLC. Sara also studied abroad in Paris, France during the spring of 2011 to soak up as much art and culture as possible in six short months. 

From August 2012 to June 2013 Sara served as an Augustinian Volunteer in Ventura, CA at Saint Bonaventure High School. Sara was the Assistant Director of Christian Service, substitute teacher, and generally assisted with other student and school needs. Sara returned to the east coast in July 2013 for a position with the Ross School in East Hampton, NY where she was a Houseparent and Associate Teacher/Administrator within the Cultural History and Visual Arts domains, and Assisted the Dean of Students. After her year at Ross School, Sara resided in Houston, TX and where she taught theology, led retreats for high school students, and coached field hockey at the Upper School of Duchesne Academy. She also completed an MSEd candidate with Johns Hopkins University School of Education and met her husband, Jake Latcham while living in Houston. 

In June of 2017 Sara and Jake returned to the Wyoming Valley; they are thrilled to be involved in the community and to make their home in NEPA. Sara is currently a faculty member at Wyoming Seminary and shares her expertise as a Curriculum Advisor for Social Fabric Collective. 

Corinne Chace

SFC Communications AdvisorPhoto: Josiah Lewis

SFC Communications Advisor

Photo: Josiah Lewis

Corinne is a graphic designer and the founder of Steadfast Design Studio based in Kingston, Pennsylvania. She is also a professionally-certified photographer from Hallmark Institute of Photography. She has over a decade of experience in photography, image retouching, graphic design, marketing, and communications. Corinne is currently earning a degree in behavioral science at Misericordia University which enables her to study how people connect with information, design, and their environment. She enjoys collaborating with organizations in her community that work to envision a bright future. 

Alumni Volunteer Advisors

*Alumni interested in becoming an "AVA", see the application on the bottom of page.

*Alumni interested in becoming an "AVA", see the application on the bottom of page.

Social Fabric Collective “AVA"s participation provides support and valuable insight that shapes the direction and execution of future programs.

How do SFC "AVA"s stay connected?

  • Identify and recruit new students

  • Plan, staff, and execute SFC events

  • Participate in SFC volunteer activities

  • Attend select SFC field trips

  • Fundraise and advocate for the program

  • Share their knowledge with current students

Luis Castillo

SFC Alumni Volunteer Advisor

SFC Alumni Volunteer Advisor

Social Fabric Collective '18 Alumni, spring semester

Logan Cook

SFC Alumni Volunteer Advisor

SFC Alumni Volunteer Advisor

Social Fabric Collective '17 Alumni, fall semester

Patty Dapas

SFC Alumni Volunteer Advisor

SFC Alumni Volunteer Advisor

Social Fabric Collective '17 Alumni, spring semester

Elizabeth Mendoza

SFC Alumni Volunteer Advisor

SFC Alumni Volunteer Advisor

Social Fabric Collective '17 Alumni, spring semester

Rifa Orpi

SFC Alumni Volunteer Advisor

SFC Alumni Volunteer Advisor

Social Fabric Collective '16 Alumni, spring semester

Abigail Ortega

SFC Alumni Volunteer Advisor

SFC Alumni Volunteer Advisor

Social Fabric Collective '17 Alumni, fall semester

Alexandra Oster

SFC Alumni Volunteer Advisor

SFC Alumni Volunteer Advisor

Social Fabric Collective '17 Alumni, spring semester

Maria Perez

SFC Alumni Volunteer Advisor

SFC Alumni Volunteer Advisor

Social Fabric Collective '18 Alumni, spring semester

Ian Poole


SFC Alumni Volunteer Advisor

SFC Alumni Volunteer Advisor

Social Fabric Collective '18 Alumni, spring semester

William Sienja

SFC Alumni Volunteer Advisor

SFC Alumni Volunteer Advisor

Social Fabric Collective '17 Alumni, spring semester

Jamie Smith

SFC Teacher & PhotographerPhoto: Ian Tuttle

SFC Teacher & Photographer

Photo: Ian Tuttle

Jamie is Social Fabric Collective's Executive Director and Co-Founder.


You can read his full bio here on Our Directors page.

*SFC Alumni Volunteer Advisor Application